Sunday, December 4, 2011

Weigh In for 12.04.11

Weigh-In:  209.8

Down to 0.6 lbs this week.  Not much to say other than, I did my best to stay under calories each day this past week.  Ranging between 920 - 1450 calories... so I was technically under calorie each day.  The only difference was I didn't get my water in every day.  I think I went over sodium one day.  I'm happy with this but I know that I really need to up my protein up, get my water in every single day... and get my ass moving some to lose the weight that I want and be down in Onderland by the 1st of the year.

Lets see how this coming week goes.


Fat in Suburbia said...

I haven't had any water this week either. I'm really going to push it this coming week for sure!

Andrea said...

It's always nice to see a loss even if it's not as much as we want! Just keep working hard and I definitely think adding more exercise will help. I'm right there with you! We can do it!

Sarah said...

Good job on your loss and good luck this week...remember water is your friend ;)

Beth said...

More water and kick up the exercise and you'll be in onderland before you know it!