Friday, December 4, 2009

Official Weigh In

So I had my moment where I thought getting the lap band was a mistake. Especially doing the liquid phase and watching my family eat real food. But I survived and I did get to eat something for Thanksgiving and going forward. I've been doing very well, feeling back to normal actually and still trying to learn my way around with this lap band. Luckily, no throwing up episodes but a few moments where I felt my food move slowly and I guess get stuck....but I managed to keep it down.

So I went for my follow up appointment today and I am down 10lbs since my surgery date. I had lost 5lbs with my 2 week pre-op diet, so in total in the past 4 weeks I've lost 15lbs. I'm so proud of myself. Mainly, its me cutting those sodas and breads out. I admit, my weakness has been bread, rolls, pastas, etc. I love them.......their so delicious! But its exciting to be back down to the weight I was right after having Brayden. And even more amazing to lose that weight in a months time. I guess I never realized I was eating the wrong stuff to keep that weight on.

I go back for my first fill on December 29th, luckily after the holidays so I can eat some things. And hope to lose more within the next month. It would be nice! So I'll see how things go...

Whoop whoop!

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