Soooo, its been almost a year since I've been here in Houston. Not that I haven't enjoyed my time here because I've learned A LOT! But I guess its time to make it official. I have plans of moving back to my home of Austin. Its been in talks and well its official. I need to be back where I have a support system from my family and friends. So sometime in the next couple of months I will be back in Austin by my own choice. Well our choice since David insisted on us making some moves. I guess he's ready to get out of Houston. LOL.
Next, I am gonna be a married woman in the next couple of weeks...........CRAZY! Yes, married! Haha. So this year is bringing on so many wonderful changes. I'm loving life, next thing ya know.......we'll have a baby on the way. LOL.
But outside of the fact of marriage, I can say a year is approaching to David and I's anniversary...........its crazy to say we've known each other for a year. It went by so fast. And surprisingly, we have done good the entire year. No drama..........faithful in loving one another. He's the love of my life and I'm so glad I made the move to Houston, otherwise we would never have met. I feel so blessed in my life at this time. I have had some bullshit relationships in the past, many nights crying and wondering what the hell is wrong w/ me....why couldn't I just find someone that threated me well, that was ready to chill and settle down. Someone to connect with on a whole other level, a level that no one else could ever understand unless they experienced it. And I got it......right when I was ready to throw in the towel on dudes, right when I was just ready to emotionally shut down when it came to love. And right at the time when I decided to stop looking for it.........haha.