Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Reminders... of what being bigger is like

So those of you who may have forgotten, because apparently I have... when you get back to the weight you were at, pre-op... it really does suck.

Apparently I'm the type of person that has to learn the hard way or need multiple reminders.  Since gaining my weight back... the sore feet (add in sore calves) now exist.  And now sore lower backs.  Look, I am a cutie with a booty and that doesn't help but having a sore lower back is no joke.  I've never dealt with back problems before.  But I know its because I'm over weight and add in I'm starting to exercise and do things to get my body back in better health.

IT JUST SUCKS in the meantime.

So onto getting a chiropractic adjustment today and ibuprofen.  :(

That is all...

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